For men who need a little help with,
well, you know...
(and women can use it too!)
Physician proprietary formula created by Steven Dominguez, MD, MPH.
Need to know more about why
PoSiFo Rx is the most effective formula available?
Read on:
*Clinically proven results in Dr. Dominguez's male patients resulting in significantly enhanced sexual desire, size, hardness, ejaculate volume, and prolonged performance pleasure.
*Yohimbe – Free. No Yohimbe side effect worries.
*For Ultimate results use with the ThermDissolve ® System and NeuroMilagrosTM Energy supplements.Sign up for Autoship and get a free Posifo T-shirt to announce your commitment to your stamina. Limited time offer.
PoSiFo Rx is a dietary supplement designed for men desiring to enhance their DAILY libido and sexual performance without spending $18-$20 each pill or $540 -$600 per month. Your 60 day POSIFO Rx cost: $69.00 ($1.15 per day)!!!
Individual results may vary depending on multiple factors including your health, diet and exercise.
I’m Looking Amazing, Feeling Great, and it’s Just For Me!®
A message about Posifo RX from Dr. Steven Dominguez:
You've seen the ads, you've seen the Google search webpage, you've seen the endorsements (physician - though really a psychologist, naturalist, sex therapist,...). Yeah, I've seen them too. Did you notice how they are sold by the same company with the same gimicky sales pitch?
Give a me minute of your time to give you some straight talk. Straight talk from me, a physician (I've been an M.D. since 1988 and I trained in Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic and in Medicine at UCLA) who has cared for thousands of men with needs unmet by the hype of flashy ads and the "buy now and get 2 free" b.s. Look, I designed the PoSiFo Rx formula to work for me and my patients (my patients include other M.D.'s, lawyers, Fire, Police, RN's, Chiropractors, construction, executives, school teachers, truck drivers, plumbers, and athletes). Look at the ingredient panel and decide for yourself if PoSiFo Rx has ALL the right ingredients in strengths that are known to work. You won't see any tricks like putting in a flash amount just claim its there. If I listed it, it's in PoSiFo Rx in a percentage that works!! Let me give you some academic knowledge. You can use this information to make your decision on buying PoSiFo Rx or whichever other product is right for you. It's a tough decision, especially if you are like most of us over 40 and starting to worry about our health and function. So read on and if you have any questions, contact me.
"There exist fundamental rights for the individual, including the right to sexual health and a capacity to enjoy and control sexual and reproductive behavior in accordance with a social personal ethic -- freedom from fear, shame, guilt, false beliefs and other factors inhibiting sexual response and impairing sexual relationships -- freedom from organic disorders, disease and deficiencies that interfere with sexual and reproductive function."
-World Health Organization Guidelines
So you feel you are the ONLY one with, well you know... Sorry, you’re not that special. Here are the facts:
Studies focusing on the United States indicate that up to 30 million American men - including up to 52% of those aged 40 to 70 years - have sexual health issues. This accounts for more than 500,000 doctor visits each year.
Still think you’re special?
Worldwide, more than 150 million men experience sexual health problems. Given the advancing median age in Western industrial countries, together with population growth in developing nations, this figure is projected to increase to more than 320 million by the year 2025.
Oh yeah right, OK. So, you’re 40 something.....
As with other chronic disorders, the prevalence of sexual health issues increases with age. The Massachusetts Male Aging Study estimated that approximately 40% of men aged 40 years and 67% of those aged 70 years had sexual health issues. According to this study, about 1 in 7 men aged 70 years suffered from the complete inability to attain and/or maintain an erection, compared with 1 in 20 men at age 40.
Now what’s your excuse? Oh, sex is all about you, right?
Adults of all ages view sexual activity as a key issue in quality of life (QOL). In the United States, 91% of married adult men and 84% of married adult women ranked a satisfying sex life as important. It is therefore not surprising that sex issues are significantly associated with reduced QOL and emotional stress that can damage relationships between partners.
Here’s the bottom line:
Sexual health issues can compromise self-image and self-esteem, and many men associate the core values of manhood with sexual function. Low levels of life satisfaction, as well as reduced levels of physical and emotional satisfaction and overall well-being, are associated with sexual health issues.
According to a US National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Panel on Impotence, "In men of all ages, erectile failure may diminish willingness to initiate sexual relationships because of fear of inadequate sexual performance or rejection. Because men, especially older men, are particularly sensitive to the social support of intimate relationships, withdrawal from these relationships because of such fears may have a negative effect on their overall health."
Here’s what academic research says PoSiFo’s ingredients may do for you.
PoSiFo Rx is not a drug. PoSiFo Rx is a dietary supplement. PoSiFo Rx is my research based herbal formulation designed to help men like you and me.
•1. Increase L-DOPA and its metabolites, which include dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine levels in the brain
•2. These increased levels may be correlated with an increase of sexual behavior
•3. These increased levels may also increase plasma testosterone level
•4. L-DOPA and its metabolite dopamine stimulate the hypothalamus and forebrain to secrete gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
•5. GnRH causes the anterior pituitary gland to secrete follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) causing increased synthesis of testosterone by Leydig cells of the testis
•6. Spermtogenesis is controlled by the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary working together to produce and transport increased volumes of sperm and ejaculate fluid
•7. Increased dopamine level in the brain may not only optimize the release of hormones, including testosterone, leading to increased sexual drive and improved performance, but it may also accomplish reduction of psychological stress
•8. Therefore, taking PoSiFo Rx may contribute to proper functioning of male genital system and facilitate sperm production and transport, filling and contraction of seminal vesicles and increased blood flow to the corpus caverneosum
Do you want more research? Here you go! Have fun!
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